We Make Data
Work for You

Convert your data into growth opportunities by adopting innovative data solutions allowing you to make informed and efficient decisions.

Featured in
El watan, Algerie Presse Service, El Moudjahid, Alger Chaine 3

They support our ambitions

Programs & sponsors
Label Startup, Swedish Institute - SHE entrepreneurs, Women in Africa, Google for startups, IFC, ICYF, ESCWA, UNDP, Aftias
Startupper de l'annee
Startupper de l'annee

We support sustainable economic growth for SMEs by providing access to Business Intelligence and Data Innovation through accessible solutions that meet your development challenges.

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Young and achieving

Our Approach


We do not need to have access to your data. We designed our processes with confidentiality in mind.


We assist you close the gap between strategic and operational challenges using innovative, and personalized solutions.


We help you perform better by helping you be confident in your decision-making process.

Our Data Services

A clear view of your data

Explore your data potential and strengthen your decision-making using HelloData tools, implemented in different technologies to offer adapted solutions.

Data quality

Data quality

We can assess and improve the quality of your data by standardizing it so you can have meaningful analyses.

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Building dashboards

Building dashboards

Interactive and efficient solutions to adopt Business Intelligence via standard or personalized offers.

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Data organization

Data organization

We help you structure and consolidate your data and can work on automated data collection.

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Customer behavior prediction

Customer behavior prediction

Our automatic modules allow you to improve your conversion rates & anticipate your customers' actions.

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Ingeniously, towards your growth opportunities

We convert your challenges into Data Innovation solutions by supporting you in developing strategies and building a Data Culture in your team.

Data Management

Data Management

To navigate your challenges, we help you formalize data management strategies and pinpoint key development areas.

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Data Culture

Data Culture

To cultivate a thriving Data Culture, we guide you in building data practices and supporting your team with key mindset and skills.

Register for the next session

Our Products

Digitally empowering your success

Optimize your business efficiency with our data-centric digital solutions, unlocking enhanced performance and productivity.



Empower your sales team with AI-driven capabilities to efficiently organize, engage, and convert leads from exhibitions.

HelloData Compliance

HelloData Compliance

Simplify compliance management and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements including the 18-07 law about personal data.

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Payment solution for services companies to accept online payments without having a store.

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Our Training

Basics of Dealing with Data

Learning journey on how Data processing and Data Innovation can help you enhance your professional skills.

  • Targets various professional profiles (Sales, Accountants, Finance, Management, Marketing, HR)
  • Presents data analysis in a clear and accessible way
  • Enhances work efficiency and professional perspectives

The Data Driven Manager

Explore data management methods in business to implement your strategy and support your growth.

  • Targets managers and strategic leaders
  • Introduces methods and frameworks to implement for defining a Data Strategy
  • Demonstrates how data enhances decision-making and provides new business insights

Power BI Learning Path

Learning of Power BI through a methodology of data processing and practical cases.

  • Targets various professional profiles with basic knowledge of Excel
  • Ability to independently automate data processing
  • Capability to create your own interactive dashboard

We Are HelloData

Mindset & Mission

We are ingenious, rigorous, and innovative talents. We aspire to share this state of mind through our services and methodologies.

Since January 2021, we have been investing much energy into building HelloData and are committed to helping our customers achieve growth. We also work to make decision-makers aware of the importance of data-driven decision-making.

Our Values


We approach your challenges with creativity.


We maintain authentic relationships.


We approach your projects with proactivity & focus.

Algeria has three resources: oil, gas, and data. Data will sustain.

Mohamed Boudelaa
Co-founder & CTO

Countless growth opportunities are hidden in your data. Find your next one.

Amina Daoud
Founder & Manager

Algeria has three resources: oil, gas, and data. Data will sustain.

Mohamed Boudelaa
Co-founder & CTO

Countless growth opportunities are hidden in your data. Find your next one.

Amina Daoud
Founder & Manager

Moments we share

#Conference #Personal Data #KAS #FaresLegal
#Conference #Personal Data #KAS #FaresLegal

Discussing the 18-07 law and presenting HelloData Compliance

#Events #Gitex2023
#Events #Gitex2023

HelloData at Gitex Global, largest tech events in the region

#Events #ASME
#Events #ASME

Mohamed presenting our services to visitors from Oman

#Pitch #Baku
#Pitch #Baku

Pitching HelloData to investors in Baku, Azerbaijan.

#Events #Expolyze
#Events #Expolyze

Amina & Elhadi presenting Expolyze to sales representatives during BATIMATEC

#Events #ASME
#Events #ASME

Our first participation to a regional event in Amman, Jordan.

#Event #Ericsson #SwedishEmbassy
#Event #Ericsson #SwedishEmbassy

#Event #DigitalAfricanSummmit
#Event #DigitalAfricanSummmit

Aymen presents HelloData to Ministers of ICT, Digitization, and Startups.

#Event #TipazaStartupDay2022
#Event #TipazaStartupDay2022

Our blue mascot went to Tipaza to talk about HelloData.

#DataSkills #na3mel
#DataSkills #na3mel

Committed to supporting the development of young professionals through our training programs

#DataSkills #na3mel
#DataSkills #na3mel

Zakaria presents the dashboard he made to distribute Ramadhan's basket for his charity association.

#Event #Digitech2021
#Event #Digitech2021

Our bright blue mascot lights up for the first time at Digitech. Hello, HelloData!

#Live #Mediatics
#Live #Mediatics

HelloData is present at Mediatics to talk about Artificial Intelligence.

#Office #Art
#Office #Art

Our office is artistic and inspiring, supported by Esma Bensidi Aissa, painter.

Let's talk!

Our team will call you to discuss your needs and schedule a work session.

How we work

  1. 1. First Contact

    A phone call to discover your context

  2. 2. Discovery Meeting

    A working session to understand your challenges

  3. 3. Proposal

    Solutions to achieve your goals

  4. 4. Mission

    Effective implementation of your projects

  5. 5. Support

    Data Innovation adopted over the long term



+213 (0) 793 378 283

Cité 1200 lgts, coopérative Echarifa BT C N 8 Bab Ezzouar, Algiers
Reception at headquarters by appointment only

Join the HelloData Team

Are you an auto-entrepreneur or open to be one?
During my internship at HelloData, I was empowered by interesting challenges that allowed me to develop my autonomy and my work dynamics while growing as a professional.

Abdelmalik Benfadhil (USTHB)
Data Innovation Intern
From the first Hello, I knew that my internship at HelloData would be rewarding without realizing that I was about to join a great team, committed to supporting managers.

This experience helped me to build my personal and professional aspirations, but also to develop a clearer vision of my career by discovering and accomplishing various tasks on which I could be empowered.

Aymen Ait Hamouda (ESAA)
Digital Marketing Intern & Project Assistant
During my internship at HelloData, I was empowered by interesting challenges that allowed me to develop my autonomy and my work dynamics while growing as a professional.

Abdelmalik Benfadhil (USTHB)
Data Innovation Intern
From the first Hello, I knew that my internship at HelloData would be rewarding without realizing that I was about to join a great team, committed to supporting managers.

This experience helped me to build my personal and professional aspirations, but also to develop a clearer vision of my career by discovering and accomplishing various tasks on which I could be empowered.

Aymen Ait Hamouda (ESAA)
Digital Marketing Intern & Project Assistant

We are proud of our commitment to young professionals to help them build their careers.

na3mel, unicef, tipaza startup day, khotwa, esst, ensia